Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Session No. 27 Cache Monday (7/9)

4/8 Kill: -$120 TSP = 6 Hrs BB/Hr: -2.5BBBB/Hr
Overall 4/8K (since 4/14): +$3765 TSP = 120 Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: 3.91BB/Hr
Overall (since 4/14): +$5040 TSP = 157 Hrs $/Hr: $32.10/Hr

Got stuck and my game broke...lame :(


Anonymous said...

The Santi Lost?????? No Freaking Way thats a lie i dont belive the sheit coming out of your mouth. Santi is all mighty! The Santi Runs Good ALL the time!!!!

Nik Santi said...

That's what I thought too :(