Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm Running Terrible; Sessions 37 and 38

Two sessions at Cache's 4/8 Game

-115 in 5 hours or so night one
-20 in 4 hours or so night two

Night one featured a slew of set over set, one two pair vs a set, and aces cracked in a Kill pot

Night two I didn't win a pot until I was almost two hours into the night. Luckily I got my aces cracked during the promotion and went on a bit of a tear to swing from down $240 or so to only losing $20 at the end of the night. I'm glad July is over...because aside from Vegas...I didn't do so hot.

Maybe not the best idea...but I plan on playing alot more at the 9/18 level. Hopefully I start running/playing better than I have been.

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