Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vegas Summary and June Stats

Here's the Overall stats for my Vegas trip. I started out okay with the Mirage 6/12, as I struggled for some cards and had a fairly low winrate. Tuesday I ran very well in my first time playing 8/16 at the Bellagio. By Tuesday night I had my entire trip (flight and hotel) paid for. I thought for sure I was going to make some serious money on Wednesday, but I struggled mightily all day and played a loooooong session where I eeked out a win, but it left my BB/Hr winrate looking absolutely terrible. I'm lucky to have won some money, because I think I started playing bad toward the end. Thursday was a much better turn around and Friday was just icing on the cake as I won $205 playing 1/2NL simply fucking around with Josh (WC) and Todd. I will definitely blog about each individual session, and probably "go back in time" and set the date as though I blogged about it the day it happened. For example, since the first night I played was at the Mirage 6/12 on Monday Night (6/25), the date on this blog when I talk about that session will be 6/25, even though I am blogging most of my sessions tonight or tomorrow.

Mirage 6/12: TP = $311 TSP = 9Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: 2.73BB/Hr
Bellagio 8/16: TP = $810 TSP = 23 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.2BB/Hr
Hooters 1/2 NL: TP = $205 TSP = 2 Hrs $/Hr: $102.50/Hr :)
Overall: TP = $1326 TSP = 34 Hrs 30 Min $/Hr: $38.43/Hr

June Stats

Here's my graph for June. I apologize for the "largeness" of the picture. Believe me, I screwed around with re-sizing it for a good fifteen minutes and I still get the same picture. I don't doesn't really matter.

4/8Kill: TP = $968 TSP = 42 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.88BB/Hr
Mirage 6/12: TP = $311 TSP = 9Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: 2.73BB/Hr
Bellagio 8/16: TP = $810 TSP = 23 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.2BB/Hr
Hooters 1/2 NL: TP = $205 TSP = 2 Hrs $/Hr: $102.50/Hr :)
Vegas Overall: TP = $1326 TSP = 34 Hrs 30 Min $/Hr: $38.43/Hr
June Overall: TP = $2294 TSP = 76 Hrs 30 Min $/Hr: $30/Hr

My 4/8K stats fell off considerably during this month, most likely due to the fact that I didn't have any 500+ days like I did in the month of May. It's all good though, I still averaged well over 2BB/Hr, which is all I can really ask out of myself. I did have a lot of stuff going on this month (Final papers, Finals, Graduation) so I knew my 4/8 stats wouldn't be that impressive. My week in Vegas really carried my overall stats this month as I made more in five days while I was in Vegas than I did for the entire three weeks before that.

Who knows what July has in store for me. I'm feeling very confident after my 8/16 run in Vegas, and I will probably try the 9/18 game at Capitol before the end of July. Wish me luck.

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