Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No Tip?

So an interesting statement came up the other night at my 6/12 table. One reg I've played with before in the past, an older guy, can be a decent TAG most nights when he wants to be but still has enough gamboool in his blood that limping behind 52os isn't a problem on others, made a statement about tipping.

Literally out of nowhere he started talking about how he only tips dealers at Capitol now, and almost never tips when he plays anywhere else. He justfied this statement by breaking down the amount of hours he plays in a day, per week, per month, and every dollar per pot he wins over time would equal out to around $5k a year for him.

Thats all fine and dandy, but he needs to realize that you get what you pay for. If we all just stopped tipping dealers, we'd start losing some. Good dealers are an important aspect of live play, I'm sure you internet players out there think live play is slow enough already, but throw in a dealer who can barely get your cards to you, much less read a board correctly...and well we're going to have issues.

On the flip side tipping more than a $1/hand is probably a leak. If it's a massive pot I usually tip a couple bucks, but in the past I'd say over tipping was one of my biggest leaks.

I didn't really want to spawn a tip vs no tip debate with this post, but it may be inevitable. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to take a page from Indiana Jones and that scene where he throws the Nazi out of the blimp. No tip? You old scrooge, out you go.

*thumb points to window*

"No tip."


Anonymous said...

here's a tip. write about something interesting.


Aaron said...


Customer service is incredibly important to me, so I'll tip friendly dealers and stiff the unfriendly ones.

As for the dollar amount, I do $1 per average pot and $2 for the large ones.

Nik Santi said...

lloyd, dont make me stab you in the throat

Nik Santi said...
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