Friday, April 24, 2009


Could not have run any worse was pretty gross. I had this huge black dude in seat 5 doing his best to hemorrhage chips to the entire table but it just wasn't happening. He was winning with ATC and was catching monsters to boot...meanwhile I folded tons or raised pre then folded tons. I bled pretty bad today.

Down about a rack and a half, so I almost broke even for last night and tonight. All good though, maybe I'll play a few hours Friday or Saturday (I doubt it) or I'll just go in next week with a vengeance.

Maybe I'll blog some hands tomorrow, but probably not, I should be kinda busy and I'm far too exhausted to talk anymore tonight.

Sorry for the whining, promise I'll deliver harder next time. Late.


Fender403 said...

Eeeek. Hands gogogogo!

SuperDonk said...

Some hands history please!

Eddie said...

it happens